Exciting updates
Hey all, hope everyone is doing well. I have some exciting things happening over the next few months that I’d want you to be a part of.
Updated name
I don’t think the newsletter had a name before, but it will now assume the name of my podcast, Technically Speaking, as I start to build out more content and learning modules associated with it. More on this below…
Moving to Substack
I want to engage with you all with a bit more short and longer-form content, and I’ve found that moving between Medium and MailChimp added a lot of friction to this. Given life, work etc, I wanted to simplify my work streams to better engage with you all with exclusive content directly to your inbox with more frequency. Sign up for the newsletter.
Cohort Learning
Technically Speaking has been a platform that has been in the making for years, and the podcast series was the first phase. I currently do weekly mentorship sessions with designers from all around the world, but it just doesn’t scale given the amount of time and effort. In November, I’ll be taking a break from Amazing Design People List, and in 2021 I’ll be ramping up with mentorship cohort sessions.
Sign up here if interested, and I’ll follow up with you once logistics are more solidified. It will be a multi-disciplinary approach to design, and I’m excited about the conversations and learnings I’ll be having with future design leaders.
That’s it for now. Stay safe, stay healthy, and vote and feel free to reach out and connect in the comments or on LinkedIn.